
The design of arbiter-engine is centered around the concept of Agents and Behaviors. At the core, we place Behaviors as the event-driven machinery that defines the entire simulation. What we want is that your simulation is defined completely with how your Agents behaviors are defined. All you should be looking for is how to define your Agents behaviors and what emergent properties you want to observe.

trait Behavior<E>

To define a Behavior, you need to implement the Behavior trait on a struct of your own design. The Behavior trait is defined as follows:

pub trait Behavior<E> {
    fn startup(&mut self, client: Arc<RevmMiddleware>, messager: Messager) -> Result<EventStream<E>, ArbiterEngineError>;
    fn process(&mut self, event: E) -> Result<ControlFlow, ArbiterEngineError>;

To outline the design principles here:

  • startup is a method that initializes the Behavior and returns an EventStream that the Behavior will use for processing.
    • This method yields a client and messager from the Agent that owns the Behavior. In this method you should take the client and messager and store them in your struct if you will need them in the processing of events. Note, you may not need them!
  • process is a method that processes an event of type E and returns an Option<MachineHalt>.
    • If process returns Some(MachineHalt), then the Behavior will stop processing events completely.

Summary: A Behavior<E> is tantamount to engage the processing some events of type E.

Advice: Behaviors should be limited in scope and should be a simplistic action driven from a single event. Otherwise you risk having a Behavior that is too complex and difficult to understand and maintain.


To see this in use, let's take a look at an example of a Behavior called Replier that replies to a message with a message of its own, and stops once it has replied a certain number of times.

use std::sync::Arc;
use arbiter_core::middleware::RevmMiddleware;
use arbiter_engine::{
    machine::{Behavior, ControlFlow},
    messager::{Messager, To}, 

pub struct Replier {
    receive_data: String,
    send_data: String,
    max_count: u64,
    startup_message: Option<String>,
    count: u64,
    messager: Option<Messager>,

impl Replier {
    pub fn new(
        receive_data: String,
        send_data: String,
        max_count: u64,
        startup_message: Option<String>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            count: 0,
            messager: None,

impl Behavior<Message> for Replier {
    async fn startup(
        &mut self,
        client: Arc<RevmMiddleware>,
        messager: Messager,
    ) -> Result<EventStream<Message>, ArbiterEngineError> {
        if let Some(startup_message) = &self.startup_message {
            messager.send(To::All, startup_message).await;
        self.messager = Some(messager.clone());

    async fn process(&mut self, event: Message) -> Result<ControlFlow, ArbiterEngineError> {
        if == self.receive_data {
            self.messager.unwrap().messager.send(To::All, send_data).await;
            self.count += 1;
        if self.count == self.max_count {
            return Ok(ControlFlow::Halt);

In this example, we have a Behavior that upon startup will see if there is a startup_message assigned and if so, send it to all Agents that are listening to their Messager. Then, it will store the Messager for sending messages later on and start a stream of incoming messages so that we have E = Message in this case. Once these are completed, the Behavior automatically transitions into the processing stage where events are popped from the EventStream<E> and fed to the process method.

As messages come in, if the receive_data matches the incoming message, then the Behavior will send the send_data to all Agents listening to their Messager a message with data send_data.