
The Environment owns a revm instance for processing EVM bytecode. To make the Environment performant and flexible, it runs on its own system thread and receives all communication via Instructions sent to it via a Sender<Instruction>. The Socket is a struct owned by the Environment that manages all inward and outward communication with the Environment's clients, such as the Instruction channel.


To create an Environment, we use a builder pattern that allows you to pre-load an Environment with your own database. We can do the following to create a default Environment:

use arbiter_core::environment::Environment;

fn main() {
    let env = Environment::builder().build();

Note that the call to .build() will start the Environment's thread and begin processing Instructions.

Inspector Configuration

The Environment also supports the ability to inspect the revm instance's state at any point in time which can be useful for debugging and managing gas. By default, the Environment will not inspect the revm instance's state at all (which should provide the highest speed), but you can enable these features by doing the following:

use arbiter_core::environment::Environment;

fn main() {
    let env = Environment::builder()

The feature with_console_logs will print out logs generated by console2.log in Solidity so that you can get intermediate state of your contracts. The feature with_pay_gas will pay gas for transactions which is useful for realism.

Fork Configuration

If you have a database that has been forked from a live network, it has likely been serialized to disk. In which case, you can do something like this:

use arbiter_core::environment::Environment;
use arbiter_core::database::fork::Fork;

fn main() {
    let path_to_fork = "path/to/fork";
    let fork = Fork::from_disk(path_to_fork).unwrap();
    let env = Environment::builder().with_db(fork).build();

This will create an Environment that has been forked from the database at the given path and is ready to receive Instructions.

Environment supports more customization for the gas_limit and contract_size_limit of the revm instance. You can do the following:

use arbiter_core::environment::Environment;

fn main() {
    let env = Environment::builder()


Instructions have been added to over time, but at the moment we allow for the following:

  • Instruction::AddAccount: Add an account to the Environment's world state. This is usually called by the RevmMiddleware when a new client is created.
  • Instruction::BlockUpdate: Update the Environment's block number and block timestamp. This can be handled by an external agent in a simulation, if desired.
  • Instruction::Cheatcode: Execute one of the Cheatcodes on the Environment's world state. The Cheatcodes include:
    • Cheatcodes::Deal: Used to set the raw ETH balance of a user. Useful when you need to pay gas fees in a transaction.
    • Cheatcodes::Load: Gets the value of a storage slot of an account.
    • Cheatcodes::Store: Sets the value of a storage slot of an account.
    • Cheatcodes::Access: Gets the account at an address.
  • Instruction::Query: Allows for querying the Environment's world state and current configuration. Anything in the EnvironmentData enum is accessible via this instruction.
    • EnvironmentData::BlockNumber: Gets the current block number of the Environment.
    • EnvironmentData::BlockTimestamp: Gets the current block timestamp of the Environment.
    • EnvironmentData::GasPrice: Gets the current gas price of the Environment.
    • EnvironmentData::Balance: Gets the current ETH balance of an account.
    • EnvironmentData::TransactionCount: Gets the current nonce of an account.
  • Instruction::Stop: Stops the Environment's thread and echos out to any listeners to shut down their event streams. This can be used when handling errors or reverts, or just when you're done with the Environment.
  • Instruction::Transaction: Executes a transaction on the Environment's world state. This is usually called by the RevmMiddleware when a client sends a ETH-call or state-changing transaction.

The RevmMiddleware provides methods for sending the above instructions to an associated Environment so that you do not have to interact with the Environment directly!


The Environment also emits Ethereum events and errors/reverts to clients who are set to listen to them. To do so, we use a tokio::sync::broadcast channel and the RevmMiddleware manages subscriptions to these events. As for errors or reverts, we are working on making the flow of handling these more graceful so that your own program or agents can decide how to handle them.