
Feedback is the number one way you can help us improve Arbiter, and we want to hear from you! A worthy contribution to the repo is opening an issue or a discussion on the GitHub issues page. Similarly, you can feel free to reach out to us on Telegram. Any and all questions are welcome.

Open Source Community

Arbiter is an open-source project and we welcome contributions from the community. We keep track of all issues and feature requests on our GitHub issues page. Issues that are approachable for newcomers are tagged with the good first issue, so be on the lookout for those!

See our Contributing Guidelines

Vulnerability Corpus

If you have found a vulnerability in a smart contract using Arbiter, please report it to us by opening an issue on our GitHub issues page or consider adding it yourself to our Vulnerability Corpus. This can help the Ethereum developer community know how to test their own smart contracts and avoid similar vulnerabilities.